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The Firm

“It’s important that you surround yourself with people who get you and push you to work harder than you did yesterday”
Alex Elle

Like-minded belief in a simplistic design philosophy along with an uncompromising commitment, brought a few young architects together in 1999 for the inception of DESIGN FRONT ARCHITECTS [DFA]. This journey marked its beginnings in Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan. Today, Umesh and Anand who were collegemates during the phase of architectural education bond as Principal Architects of DFA and work passionately together on varied projects of Urban Design, Architecture, and Interior Design.


Design Front Architects has gratifyingly completed numerous projects – an accomplishment that the firm modestly consider a marker of their clients’ belief in them. For the firm it is also a testimony of faith and trust in the design ability and skills demonstrated.

Over the years, DFA’s journey has been a collective growth enriched by the individual and combined experiences of the principal architects, team architects, and trainees from various universities. The firm’s design portfolio strongly reflects this ethos where design thoughts coming from various mindsets and understandings have been routed to sensible, sensitive, and sustainable design solutions.


Irrespective of the scale or complexity of projects, every project is given its due diligence. Each project is considered an opportunity that holds a growth, essence to highlight DFA’s philosophy. A time-bound delivery expertise bridges voids to volumes while translating ideas into reality.

Design Philosophy

More relevant now than it ever was, are the words of Leonardo da Vinci - " Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. In today’s world of cluttered consumption and misplaced priorities, a design solution that evokes simplicity with cultured finesse is the most challenging yet much-needed response."

Since its inception, DFA has engaged in spatial design through certain core factors. Passionately believing in this design ethos, the firm consciously lets it to percolate into the designed simplicity with sophistication.


DFA let the land speak in a way that an alignment can be achieved. Gathering clues from the context, the design explores appropriate conditions to respond in a manner that lets the design nestle into the site.


Nature’s influences are prominent in the designs. An appropriate climatic response to integrate our individual selves with the higher forces of nature is a design virtue that lay impetus in all the designs. 

With due diligence, the firm caters to the current times. The concepts are predominantly contemporary in nature while bearing relevance to traditional values and perceptions. Design solutions are high on sensory appeal, well-choreographed in light celebrating a sense of being in limitless yet bound space – a YOGA of Architecture as the firm believes in.

The firm creates a strong dynamism between the built and the open spaces with an emphasis on integrating architecture, interior design, and landscape. A celebration of materials carries forward the design ideal. The meticulous design execution process emphasizes the growth of design into reality.


Proceeding with us and celebrating the realization of our projects are our clients, who at times do surprise us and themselves, with their understanding along the process.

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